Protect your family by getting used to wearing masks

Protect your family by getting used to wearing masks

10 April 2022

Wearing a mask is an effort to prevent the COVID-19 virus. Especially for parents who are required to familiarize their children with wearing masks. We have compiled information about masks, how to wear and care for them properly.


What is the function of the mask ?


Transmission of COVID-19 is in the form of droplets from the respiratory tract that are ejected when someone talks, sings, coughs, or sneezes, but some people can transmit the disease even if they don’t realize it.


That’s why maintaining physical distance is very important, especially in public places and in crowds. However, a safe distance cannot always be maintained when we are in a crowded public place. In a place like this, the use of masks is highly recommended so that we can protect each other.


We should all continue to maintain physical distancing and diligently wash our hands. By doing these steps together.


Mask Type


  1. Non-medical masks (ie cloth masks or face shields): Areas with low COVID-19 cases and do not have any symptoms, the recommended type of mask is non-medical masks.
  2. Medical masks: For those of you or family members who are in areas that have a high risk of COVID-19 transmission, it is recommended to use a medical mask.


When should a mask be used ?


Masks can be used at home or outside the home. If the COVID-19 transmission rate in the area where you live is high, then a mask needs to be worn every time you are in a public place, namely when physical distance is difficult to maintain, and every time you are in a closed/indoor public area. As much as possible, avoid crowded places and closed rooms without good air circulation.


Who should wear a mask ?


Masks do not need to be used by anyone who cannot remove the mask unaided including infants and toddlers, or someone with breathing difficulties.


Advice from UNICEF and WHO: Recommendations for wearing masks may vary from country to country. Seek information from local authorities regarding special requirements. If your authority requires children age five and under to wear a mask, you or someone else caring for the child must always be near the child to ensure the mask is used safely.


If you or a family member has a health condition or disability that makes it difficult to wear a mask, please consult your health care provider regarding the most appropriate COVID-19 prevention measures for your situation.


When exercising, choose a place that is safe enough so that a mask is not needed, such as at home or in other areas (e.g., open spaces) where you can keep your distance from other people. Children and adults do not need to wear masks when exercising or doing physical activities so that their breath is not disturbed. Sweat can wet the mask making it difficult for us to breathe and a wet mask actually invites germs.


What to pay attention to when choosing a mask for children ?


Many masks are designed for adults so they are too big for a child. Before buying, pay attention to the size of the mask and choose the one that fits your child. You can also make your own masks for children. Most importantly, make sure that the mask covers the mouth, nose and chin area with no gaps on the sides of the face and that the mask does not block the view. Make sure the child can breathe comfortably, including when walking briskly and talking.


The recommended mask for children is the Anytime Duckbill Child Mask. Adjustment in the shape of the child’s face that is comfortable in use, protects from viruses, bacteria, pollution and other microparticles. Anytime masks also have permission from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Complete product information via the following link:


How to wear a mask properly


Wearing, removing and caring for a mask properly is very important for protecting the health of yourself and others. Check out the steps below and try to do it with your family regularly until you get used to it.


Before wearing a mask


  • Always wash your hands first with soap and water.
  • Make sure the mask is clean and not torn or perforated. Do not wear a dirty or damaged mask.
  • Adjust the shape and position of the mask so that it covers the mouth, nose and chin and does not create gaps on both sides of the face.
  • Make sure you can still breathe comfortably with a mask.


When wearing a mask


  • Immediately replace the mask if it is dirty or wet.
  • Do not wear the mask under the nose or chin or over the head—the mask must fully cover the mouth and nose to be effective.
  • Do not touch the mask that is being worn.


Always have a clean bag/sack ready for storing masks. Each family member needs to have a separate bag. Insert or remove the mask from the bag by holding the mask strap (without touching the surface of the mask) to avoid possible contamination. Don’t forget to wash your hands before putting on the mask.


Take off the mask


  • Wash hands before removing the mask.
  • Remove the mask by holding it by the straps. Do not touch the surface of the mask.
  • Wash hands after removing the mask.
  • Medical masks are disposable masks. It is recommended to always replace the masks that have been used. Dispose of used masks in a covered trash can.


Compliance with wearing a mask is the result of a new habit. So, set an example of good and consistent behavior. Look for opportunities to remind you of the importance of wearing a mask properly. Ask the family to remind each other if a member is negligent. Children will quickly notice if a rule is not being followed consistently, so make sure you set the right example. Also remind your extended family and friends to follow the recommendations for wearing masks.

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